Saturday, August 29, 2009

Aphthous Ulcers Around Anus


There is still someone say, I create my work is not seasonal access :-))
Ha, this time even a month ahead of time!

Witches were a friendship blanket action. Again and again I am amazed at how many witches are there for embroidery ..

have very contrary to my color preferences, I really, really purple as a border, I think it fits perfectly.
Now I wait, I can hang it up, because now I am still prefer a little longer over the summer.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Play Pokemon Sapphire Computer

Before the summer

is over, I have actually this little picture get ready.
It is from a French newspaper, and I liked right away.

The yarn was given in DMC but I have it in the V & H variant embroidered

thank you to convert Sabine for! Technically easy

have no talent, I raise this on the stretcher then left very happy :-) Thorsten)

Now it is with me and I'm just

Love, Connie

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hemorrhoids Flesh Colored

The luck of the draw .. Can someone help

... I was in the last few days several times hold!

Look, are not the seahorses and starfish beautiful?
Bianca has taken exactly my taste. Thank you very much!
I'm always happy to add that I stole you!

And in the last week I got this beautiful bookmark that has raffled Gabriele ! It is so romantic that I really do not like put in the hard hitting thriller, I was reading. Love Gabriele , you also again a big thank you!

That was really pleasant surprises in recent weeks, but sometimes maybe I should play the lottery?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Killington, Snow Tubing

* * g?

Are there answers to these questions * gg *?

Tell me ......
Why are shipped in a circular square

is a face cream makes the 20 years younger
dangerous, if you
is only 19 years old?

If nymphomaniac bitches really

left Used to exhaust
to the brothel? Are there really too

Links lawyers?

Why do I have to click on Start Windows

How long must train a cat to be a sore

Can be loner single?

Is it with pants for a rock concert?

would look like our chairs when we
our knees were backwards?

Can lie down someone who is retired
at night?

district hospital, why is not round?

Where did the aggressiveness of the people who beat a wheel?

allowed to use it a bedspread at night

If a space ship, the only
with women is really busy unmanned?

breaks down when the sea level stands in

How long you get for a
winter, or is there
on probation?

grow Where exactly do somersaults?

Why petrol stations 24 hours a
lock on the door?

Can I drive in a leap year, automatic

How is really the "lawn
trespassing" sign
always the middle of the lawn?