Friday, December 31, 2010

Baby Orajel Day And Night

Benedetta's Year in Review 2010

Inspired by several Mitblogger, grasp and I together again:


I do not have your own blog, but enjoy browsing around the web, come across Alipius'blog "The Romans" and so to the entire Blogoezese. These months are difficult, allethalben of abuse is talk and I get used to the benefit of their own health, the reading of letters to the editor in the secular media, and then consume itself from the media. Instead, I read my way through the newly found Catholic blogger world and decide: ME TOO!

In April is, after a long struggle for the name, IMPAVIDI PROGREDIAMUR to life gerufen.Meine first postings are about the Causa Mixa.

I do enjoy it, commenting sardonically on interviews like this with Claudia Roth and put loud funny Benedetto a little picture.

The May has it all: I am writing my first

indictment and shortly after that I finally bursts of Kragen.Ich cancel my psychotherapist and decide things now itself to take in hand: The

5/17/2010 marks the birth of GERMANY PRO PAPA . Still, I suspect not, what will all come to me and that's a good thing.

The June is then devoted to the preparations, we find support from many sources such as radio and Horeb, the daily mail, Medrum uva-rolled the thing with the solidarity rally.

I meet in Rome Mitblogger Alipius

active me to continue on the Causa Mixa and walk slowly with my colleagues in the final sprint for DPP.

In July it is done:

With enormous confidence in God, a big dose of naivety and a lot of great supporters, we have then managed to leave on 07.11.2010 for the first time held in Germany in a solidarity rally for our Pope.

addition pickings and press coverage, the team of DPP decides to proceed.

I 1 week after the rally has to be a severe herniated disc surgery and suffer, it is August pretty quiet in my blog.

However, I take pleasure in the Congress in part on faith in Fulda and may was able to present our action.

In September then hits the big moment: In Cologne, the club is held up by Germany, per-Papa more precisely, of the association under the name PRO PAPA SOLIDARITY WITH POPE BENEDICT XVI eV

The October ripples along, in waiting for the German red tape (registration of the association) and a response from Rome, the the end of October finally arrives, and from then Regina and I are preparing us for the hour before grpße: On

27th November we fly to Rome to get a tour through the rooms of Vatican Radio and eagerly await the 1.12.

The December brings us the fulfillment of a lifelong dream with him: we must PAPA an illustrated book with the most beautiful Pictures of the demonstrations present.

papa audience

This utterly unforgettable encounter read here.

Otherwise, it has the part still in it, we begin to prepare the visit to Germany by PAPA and win as a fellow ACN and Antonia Willemsen the Chairman as a patron, then Dr. Constantin von Brandenstein - Zeppelin and our honorary member Gabriele Kuby. We can still some start the ball rolling and look confidently into the new year.

Together let us move forward and take heart-AUGURI, VIVA IL PAPA and Happy New Year 2011!


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