Sunday, March 6, 2011

Does My Dog Have Tourettes

sweet from Sunday

as I already mentioned several times, I'm rather cook than a baker. But now and then I sometimes stir together sweet. with an emphasis on touch.
this is my favorite cake. the (basic) recipe comes from Brittany. he is quick to bake and is infinitely variable. instead of apples are seasonal in the dough: currants, cherries, blueberries, plums, apricots ... and whatever else you meet easily in shrub and tree. almonds
top on you can find nuts or sunflower seeds and / or (cinnamon) sugar with a little butter or he is in front of bake spread with sour cream.

good appetite!

the prescription:
from 125 g flour (I'll take the half whole wheat flour), 125 g butter, 100 - 125 g sugar (depending on sweetness of fruit), 1 teaspoon baking powder and 2 eggs make a batter. cover with fruits and with additives (see above) and wish to show about 30 minutes Bake at 180 degrees.


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