Sunday, March 6, 2011

Does My Dog Have Tourettes

sweet from Sunday

as I already mentioned several times, I'm rather cook than a baker. But now and then I sometimes stir together sweet. with an emphasis on touch.
this is my favorite cake. the (basic) recipe comes from Brittany. he is quick to bake and is infinitely variable. instead of apples are seasonal in the dough: currants, cherries, blueberries, plums, apricots ... and whatever else you meet easily in shrub and tree. almonds
top on you can find nuts or sunflower seeds and / or (cinnamon) sugar with a little butter or he is in front of bake spread with sour cream.

good appetite!

the prescription:
from 125 g flour (I'll take the half whole wheat flour), 125 g butter, 100 - 125 g sugar (depending on sweetness of fruit), 1 teaspoon baking powder and 2 eggs make a batter. cover with fruits and with additives (see above) and wish to show about 30 minutes Bake at 180 degrees.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Alexix Texas On Black Guys

ricarda loves watches

has in her beautiful blog style 23sqm ricarda presented us with their watches and asked what do we have at home. here are some photos from my meager collection. watch me are not that important. I have not even a watch for example ... Mr. Albrecht and only one of clock. but beautiful colorful old like I suffer very much. and my cuckoo, which may also call from time to time!

and the last clock gave me a very dear friend some years ago birthday. it is itself built and the pleasantries and I of course would never give up!

no more, long before the start of summer time. I'm very happy!

more watches Returns TRUE on philuko and lulu. and where to??

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How To Start A Walkie Talkie Conversation

Jipeeh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how stupid I am :-) My very first quilt
is ready.
Without major accidents, but with plenty of breaks in between :-) Greetings


Crising For Gay Men Nnj

Traffic report as Wordle

Wordle: Papa Benedetto XVI

Beautiful Experiment: Our audience report as a Wordle.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Snowmobiling In Old Forge Ny

islands - island books

islands I like. Spiekeroog for example, juist, Moen, Gotland, Ile de Sein, sometimes mallorca ... islands have water all around. I particularly love. they are with me in The term "longing" to save.

I like islands in the apartment, where they retire, or even indulge his creativity can. Islands in the garden make me happy too, are points of rest.

islands always offer new perspectives.

and I also like the island-books. because they are so very handsome, gorgeous have bindings and often contain attractive prints, drawings and photographs. they shall not so much space in the bookcase away, you can beautifully decorate with them and usually can they even read, for example the stories of Oscar Wilde or sometimes one or another epigram of Lessing.
for me, the island-books very inspiring -. From the inside and outside
and most are served in the bookseller, at the flea market or on ebay pretty cheap. I have never more than one or two euros for my pay.

Team Fortress 2 Glengarry Bonnet Sale

found object to the general amusement

before I came across a word-diary of 2003, that is exactly 5 years after my conversion. It is a service described .... this incident, I would like you not deprive genuine:

"Sunday was church service with introduction of first communion children, GÄÄÄHN, so I HATE such services, where so much fuss made for kids ... as children around the altar and dance with snip fingers, clap your hands, Aaarghhh, and so stupid things wait, that's all right, but they can do in the nursery or sunday school, but not in the Holy Mass! I had ZERO devout and would rather cheer sofa sit still and watched the beatification of Mother Theresa if I'd known of! Brr. Am no friend of "righteous child worship." A church employee makes himself a full-Deppen by organizing the kids a silly dance around the altar instead are preaching and reading, child-oriented speeches, children read prayers vormit which can clearly begin NIX (radiation Holper, stuttering, and the parents: ah how sweet!), total mega unrest there and in between times will be changed shortly (worship = null).

Then there was son communicant (that is, what next year containing the K. goes), and as the victim rumging basket, the child jumped at once to his mother (who was sitting in front of me) and yelled like crazy!!! "Tus NOT NO Pleeease TU s NIIICHT !!"!! We all like this: "?????" Will the little mother rip the money from his hand and shouts "DO NOT DO IT! PLEASE! NOT WASTE OUR MONEY !!!"! The mother, of course, wars UPPER embarrassing and I underestimated the boy got ne thrashing at home * * ggggg, we thought so, who determines Geldprobs home and the boy has now meant that the mother is purely throw no money! FULL embarrassed, the mother has done us totally sorry! The still had to sit half the exhibition there, before all, it was indeed her son had been previously presented even by name! I could resist even the degree to later say to her, "Uh, maybe you should give your son again to explain to the victim money ..."... hehe ..... Well you just have to watch that one 'trial' not discharged before the child! Stuff like that can take revenge ...* lol *. The whole thing was about to change and any prayer before then. Tssssssssssssssssssssssss. "


Monday, February 28, 2011

G String Are Good To Wear

rain flea market

with thicker because of a head-cold I stromerte a full half hour (!) flea market on an ugly in a supermarket car park where it is damp, gloomy and cold. I was wondering really why I'm doing to me like that. but it was raining cats and dogs and so there was a nicer market simply in the water.

but despite gloom-believe it or not - I found something at an unbeatable bargain prices! My Sunday was saved and I could retire at home on the sofa with magazines and a wonderful book.

milk jug "monika" graze seltmann-vase, left: Rheinpfalz weave pattern vase right: rosenthal
the book is from the GDR anno, Author:? Helga joachim and Schönherr, publishers r. arnold, leipzig

the next two pictures are for kay:

I found this vase some months before in a social-shop. do you know, where it's come from? GDR?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mount Blade 1011 Native Expansion

letters spielerei

for the resident community solebich I have a new source of creative contribution: spielereien letters.

letters and treasure chest
what I did so, her see here

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Andy Warhol Explicit Art


well-ordered chaos

20 nautical

landlord manos

sorts guess

artiste peintre

tout pour la peche
(think unfortunately the roof-accent for "peche" not!)

work in progress

calls the work! bye see you soon.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Claim 1 If I Am Married

icy flea market

today was finally a flea market with more than six circumstances and, moreover, not only with billigstkram.
but, but .... at minus 5 degrees came to have fun but not the right one. At least I was almost an hour. the poor sellers shivering but much longer ...

least I've made nice and cheap finds, four white vases together for only 6 € (I get white vases, never visited!), A sewing box full of small white thread, buttons and needles for only 5 € and the wildest I found the wonderful free-busy-lock.

found the little wood sewing box I recently in a socially load - suitable for many small things ...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Where To Buy Dunlop Volley New Ealand

in forest

is again a collage done. maybe you recognize some of my post of 6 january "work in progress" again!

"in the forest" - from mano
acrylic and vintage paper to canvas, 20 x 60 cm

And finally a drawing of me from 2007 that I like totally like, "Man with green rubber gloves"

I wish you all a wonderful weekend - one of the fun you and prepares you can discover new! has