Thursday, February 3, 2011

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Pope Benedict helpless, weak and inactive

claims .... at least the Dreckschleuder from southern Germany.


Pope Benedict XVI. stand idly by as his church is shrinking.

The spirit of the pontificate of Karol Wojtyla of Poland but lives on in the church, and in defense of his successor Benedict XVI. can possibly argue that it can be difficult to overrule the decisions of previous popes. Finally, he would attack her on a dogma based infallibility. Of his own infallibility are so tightly restricted.

But when the shrinking of his priesthood in Europe idly watching him, the historian later, a similar anxiety as Paul VI. certify and keep him as Pope in memory, who led the church in the gray rather than in the past in a promising future. If you go to his zeal for reform of old looks, which manifested itself in the fire letter to the bishops in 1970, Benedict gives already an impression of helplessness and weakness.

Yes, man, well, that we have the South German, which enlightens us really sleep.


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