Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bra Sizes By Picturres

shot persecution

After has named Scipio the TAZ reporter Daniel Bax to the dud of the week

("" Certainly, the situation for Christian minorities in countries such as Egypt difficult in Iraq, even dramatic. The word of the Persecution of Christians is their destiny but that of the early Christians like that in the Roman Empire once persecuted, crucified or thrown to the lions were. This equation is at least questionable. Today Christians are finally no longer small sect, the struggle for survival must, but the largest religion in the world "(Daniel Bax in the taz))

... I want the TAZ-man with the limited horizon still following, of course negligible as against things completely.:

(all quotes from this article )

After reports of Christian circles killed another thirteen priests at this time, in a cruel manner, for example, where you sawed the priests alive in parts. A moment in Jordan active Syrian Orthodox nun, Hatune Dogan learned this from Iraqi refugees. One of the witnesses described, as he would then collect the body parts and bestattetet what to remain in many cases had to because the remains were of people killed by the assassins equipped with explosive devices (1).

According to Thomas Krapf, a Berlin-based expert on the region, is terror against Christians "nationwide" are used, such as the actions in Baghdad's Dora neighborhood, where Islamic militias in a few nights, hundreds of stores Assyrian Christians " flared off "would have. In the Koran (sura 2.193, 8.39, etc.) offered dhimmi tax on Christians and Jews, jizya, would be introduced again in this way

Hatune sister sent the case of a 7 year old, who had been raped repeatedly over the years. Later, the girl had "slashed in the genitals." The child was severely traumatized and respond today, after years, "completely phlegmatic." The pictures of the girl who sat expressionless face in her lap, were muffled sounds, and not been able to express themselves properly, would you not stop thinking go

same time live and Christians elsewhere in the Middle East, such as Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, under constant pressure. Cases of abduction Christian girl who lives in Jerusalem Christian observer David Parsons reported from the Palestinian territories, about which the 16 year old Adriana Sabat from Bethlehem (4). An obvious device is the forcible driving of protection money by Hamas and Fatah people, that many Christian business people to emigrate forced

The 15 year old had burns all over his body from the cigarettes that you put the suitors on their bare skin. As Muslims it is forbidden to touch other Muslim women, they adhere to Christian prostitutes, "in which they can vent their faith hate."

But who is when talking about Christian persecution?

And why cut since the aid money is, after all, no government-directed persecution ! So billions more to flow in only Islamist projects. OUR MONEY CHRISTIANS have not seen, and whether the population in need something like this has, I venture to call into question the very times.


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