Saturday, January 1, 2011

Saga Frontierscps-45300

CALL (?)! New Year messages for General of Rother

I renew my call, we give the vicar general of Berlin, but many New Year :-) mails ONLY with your help can we succeed in the Archdiocese to convince the people that do a large trade show in Berlin! Please mail! And spread!
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The Berlin-general will present the Holy Mass with the Pope at a Mass in reducing a church in which only a few hundred people could have the place. To view this fiasco does not happen, I ask you to write to the Vicar General and Rother him to announce our level of participation. Since the selection of Zelebrationsortes will soon be decided, I ask you to kindly messages to the Lord General.
Vicar General Monsignor Ronald Rother, tel 030632684131, fax 030 32684 316, ronald.rother @

Let not our Holy Father alone!


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